Pakection Exhibition 2021
"PAKECTION" is a group of package designers from the Kansai area, all of whom are members of the Japan Package Design Association. They hold an exhibition with the paper company, Takeo, every year. Working closely with package-related companies is necessary to produce innovative works and they have formed good relationships with many companies. Let me introduce you to an exhibition that was held in March 2021 called "Creating the New Normal Packaging". They made works that took into consideration the changes in consumer behavior due to the coronavirus, while at the same time keeping SDG's in mind. You can see videos of the exhibition on PAKECTION website. (https://newnormal.pakection.com/)

We have had to spend a lot of time at home quarantining the last 2 years. So I needed something that would keep my mental health up. Something that would make me happy every day. It didn't need to be a big thing. This cotton swab package is beautiful sitting on my dresser and is a pleasure to use. It can also be refilled. Currently, almost all cotton swab packages are still made of disposable plastic and are so cheesy. I’m proposing a new cotton swab package made from paper tubes.